Mobile Riverine Force Association
CCB-18 Restoration Fund Contributors
Thanks to the following for their generous contributions to the restoration fund for CCB-18, the last known Mobile Riverine Force boat being restored in San Diego for a permanent static display at the Naval Amphibious Base, Coronado.
Hugh M. “Murk” Alexander, CO RAD 132, TF-117
William J. Arbogast, T-131-5/RAID-72
Charlie & Georgina Ardinger, T-151-11, TF-117
Mike Aitchison, USS Benewah (APB-35), TF-117
John Bauler, C Co./4th/47th, 9th Inf Div.
Ralph & Terri Bigelow, T-131-8, TF-117
Monte L. Blackwell, RivDiv-511, TF-116
Don & Lyn Blankenship, A-111-3 / A-152-21, TF-117
CSM Nick L. Blazek, HQ/2nd/Bde, 9th Inf Div.
Henry P. & Etta Blundell, ComRivRon-13, TF-117
Maj. Gen Lucien Bolduc, Cdr/3rd/47th, 9th Inf Div.
Ron & Sue Boyd, B Co./3rd/60th, 9th Inf Div.
Donald Brath, C Co./3rd/47th, 9th Inf Div.
Al & Barbara Breininger, COS RivDiv-91 TF-117
In Honor of our Father, Lt Alan Breininger, from his children – Peter, Douglas, and Kirstin
Greg & Becka Brenner, A-91-5, TF-117
QMC Edward J. Bohrer, USS Hickman Cty (LST-825), TF-117
John K. Bowen, B Co./3rd/47th, 9th Inf Div.
Doug & Diane Brown, 1097th Army (MD) Boat Co. 9th Inf Div.
Maj. Gen W.J. Bryde, Hq./3rd/34th Artillery, 9th Inf Div.
John J. Burke, USS Nueces (APB-40), TF-117
John A. Burvis, B Co./3rd/60th, 9th Inf Div.
Al Cady, USS Benewah (APB-35), TF-117
Paul F. (Doc) Campbell, Jr., 3rd/34th Arty, 9th Inf Div.
David Cargill, HHC, 9th Inf Div.
Capt. T.V. Chiomento, USS Mercer(APB-39), TF-117
Loren Cobb, USS Indra (ARL-37) TF-117
Richard Cockrell, M-91-2, TF-117
Daniel L. Coe, USS Krishna, TF-117
Randall G. Cook, USS Monmouth Cty (LST-1032), TF-117
Robert F. Colf, T-111-10, TF-117
Robert B. Conaty, X.O., RivDiv 131, TF-117
Robert Coombs, USS Washtenaw County (LST-1166), TF-117
Gene R. Cooper, USS White River (LSMR-536), TF-117, In memory of Barb and Danna Cooper
Richard & Patti Corrick, Refueler-112-1, TF-117
Col Laddie Cox, B Co./4th/47th, 9th Inf Div.
Captain Walter & Elizabeth Deal, ComRivRon-15, TF-117
Paul DeNicola, B Co., 3rd/60th, 9th Inf Div. (In Memory of Alex Radisa, PCF’s)
Louie DeOld, B Co.,3rd/60th. 9th Inf Div.
Dan Dodd, RivFlotOne-Staff, TF-117
Drawbridge Estates Inn, Ft. Mitchell, KY, Associate Member
Patrick J. Eardley, C Co./3rd/47th, 9th Inf Div.
Paul Eastham, T-132-11, TF-117
Leon Edmiston, B Co./3rd/60th, 9th Inf Div.
David C. Elcess, USN (Ret) USS Colleton (APB-36)
Richard B. Feinstein, Comm/Ops Off., RivRon 9, TF-117
Cdr Kirk Ferguson, ComStabRon-20, CTF-116
Louis Ferraro, USS Windham County (LST-1170), TF-117
Terrence Fetters, HHC, 3rd/47th, 9th Inf Div.
William Flamm, RivRon 15 (C-5, T-48, & T-2), TF-117
Patrick M. Fogarty 4th/47th, 9th Inf Div.
Walter (Sunshine ) Fraizer, T-91-6, TF-117
James R. Franklin, B Co./4th/47th, 9th Inf Div
Gene (Doc) Frederickson, MRFA
Courtney Frobenius, B Co./3rd/60th, 9th Inf Div.
James & Jennifer Fungaroli, A-151-4, TF-117
John J. Gallo, D Co./3rd/60th/9th Inf Div.
Charles Ganster, TF-117
Jerry Gapol, 3rd/39th, 9th Inf Div.
CSM Hormer Garza, C Btry./3rd/34th Arty, 9th Inf Div.
Harry B. Hahn, M-131-1, TF-117
LTC Noah Halfacre, USA Ret, 6th/31st 9thInf Div.
Paul T. Hall, 1st Sgt, 9th Inf Div.
Capt. William R. Halloran, N2, CTF-117
Hubert Hamilton, USS Askari, TF-117
RMC Jeff Hanks, USS Benewah (APB-35), TF-117
Michael D. Hanmer, RivRon-13 / RivDiv-153, TF-117
John Hanttula, M-112-2, TF-117
William A. Harman, T-132-2, TF-117
Michael & Connie Harris, T-152-1, TF-117
David A. Hazelett, CCB-5, RivRon 15, TF-117
Thomas M. Herritage, PCF-94, TF-115
George Hessenius, HQ/65th Inf. Combat Trackers, 9th Inf Div.
Michael Holcomb, T-91-5, TF-117
Bruce J. Holdsworth, USS Benewah (APB-35), TF-117
Tim Hollar, SSG-Inf, C Co./3th/60th 9th Inf Div.
Jim & Ardienne Hoyer, 1097th (MD) Boat Company
CDR G. Gibson Hubbs, Naval Support Activity, Danang
LTG Patrick M. Hughes, D Co./4th/39th, 9th Inf Div.
Robert B. Hunt, RivDiv-553, TF-116
Marilyn R. Hunt, CDR, USN Ret.
Herschel Hughes, USS Colleton (APB-36), TF-117
John L. Hughes, E Co./3rd/60th, 9th Inf Div.
Bruce Johnson, C Co./4th/47th, 9th Inf Div.
Ralph G. Johnson, PCF-10, TF-115
Dale (Doc) Jones, C Co./4th/47th, 9th Inf Div.
Everett R. Jones, C-151-4/C-152-5, TF-117
Patrick Kelly, CCB-151-1, TF-117
Steve Kennedy, USS Sphinx (ARL-24), TF-117
Robert Kernechel, M-111-3, TF-117
Paul Kershner, RivDiv’s 111-112, TF-117
Larry Klaassen, RivDiv 153, TF-117
LT. Frank M. Klein, Riv Flot One, TF-117
Stephen H. Klosterman, USS Askari (ARL-30), TF-117
John R. Koppen, 6th/31st, 9th Inf Div.
Larry Koltz, T-91-10, TF-117
Richard Koral, 3rd/34th Arty, 9th Inf Div.
Keith R. Kucera, M-131-3, TF-117
George C. Lang (MOH), A Co./3rd/47th, 9th Inf Div.
BMC Raymond A. Lang, M-112-1, TF-117
Douglas R. Lindsey, YRBM-17
Walter Lineberger, XO RivDiv-92, TF-117
Richard Lynn, A-151-3, TF-117
Richard & Marcia MacCullagh, Chaplain RivRon-15, TF-117
Robert W. Malone, HMCM, RivDiv112, TF-117
Robert C. Martin, USS Benewah (APB-35), TF-117
Frank Martinolich, A Co./3rd/60th, 9th Inf Div.
Thomas A. Mason, Ops Officer, RivDiv’s 9-13, TF-117
Lee H. Mathers, M-112-1, TF-117
Joseph Mattie, M-112-2, TF-117
Ken McClelland, YRBM-21, TF-117
William McCollum, T-111-2, TF-117
Bruce McIver, T-131-7, RAID-72, TF-117
Phil F. McLaughlin, USS Blanco County (LST-344), TF-117
Myron McNutt, T-91-5, TF-117
Wayne Meeks, M-151-6, TF-117
Denny Meyer, Refueler-92-1, TF-117
John L. Miller, A-111-5, TF-117
Albert (Monty) Montillo, B Co./3rd/60th, 9th Inf Div.
Albert Moore, USS Benewah (APB-35), TF-117
Joe L. Moore, USS Colleton (APB-36), TF-117
Sara I. Moore
Roy Moseman, C Co./4th/47th, 9th Inf Div.
Dennis P. Mrosewske, A Co., 3/60, 9th Inf Div.
Paul Nace, USS Colleton (APB-36), TF-117
Richard (Doc) Nelson, RivRon 15, TF-117
Lynden Noe, USS Benewah (APB-35), TF-117
David J. Nowacki, T-111-5, TF-117
LTC James Noyes, C Btry./3rd/34th Arty, 9th Inf Div.
Ross F. O’Dowd, T-92-7, TF-117
Larry Ott, C Co./3rd/47th, 9th Inf Div.
Captain Jerry L. Pape, RivFlotOne Staff, TF-117
Robert Pawlicki, T-111-11, TF-117
Manuel & Lynn Pena, Associate
Lloyd Quinn, Refueler-92-1, TF-117
David L. Paust, M-131-1, TF-117
John H. Pribnow, D Co./3rd/60th, 9th Inf Div.
John W. Protosow, Jr., HHC/3rd/60th, 9th Inf Div.
David M. Quickel, USS Benewah (APB-35), TF-117
Fred Radtke, YRBM-17, TF-117
Donald J. Rains, T-151-2, TF-117
Walter A. Rakaczewski, B Co./2nd/47th, 9th Inf Div.
Owen W. Raven, A Co./9th Signal Bn., 9th Inf Div.
David Raybell, M-111-3, TF-117
Charles & Audrey Raynor, USS Benewah (APB-35), TF-117
Edgar W. Reed Jr., T-92-9, TF-117
Bill Reynolds, 2nd Platoon, C Co./4th/47th
Tim L. Richard, CCB-92-1, TF-117
Ed Riddle, T-91-9, TF-117
James Rozema, A-91-3, TF-117
John Rubin, YRBM-16, TF-117
Loren Salzman, 4th/47th, 9th Inf Div.
Billie Sanders, CCB-112-1, TF-117
Robert L. Sanders, USS Benewah (APB-35), TF-117
BMCM Duane J. Schinn, USN Ret., Boat Capt., M-111-2, TF-117
Thomas Schultz, HHQ/CO/3rd/60th, 9th Inf Div.
Tom and Barbara Slater, USS Hampshire Cty (LST-819), TF-117
Walter Snow, CCB-151-1, TF-117
Lanny Snyder, RivDiv-92, TF-117
Lanny Snyder, In Memory of David “Doc” Hearn (Member of CCB-18 Work Party)
John & Suzi Sperry, B Co./3rd/60th, 9th Inf Div.
John M. Sperry, Associate
Frank Springer, T-131-9, TF-117
Chet (Gunner) Stanley, CCB-111-1, TF-117
Jim Steffes, PCF-12, TF-115
Robert J. Stumpf, D&E Co./ 3rd/60th, 9th Inf Div.
CDR Gerald Sturvist, USN Ret., CSO RAS-15, TF-117
Bill Tamboer, T-151-9, TF-117
SGMC John E. Thibado, USN (Ret), T-112-3, TF-117
Maurice Thibaudeau, T-132-3, TF-117
VADM Emmett H. Tidd, COS/ComNavForV
Harley G. Timmerman, RivRon 13, T132-10, TF-117
Jim Toney, D Co./3rd/60th, 9th Inf Div.
Earl S. Tuzcu, A Co./3rd/60th, 9th Inf Div.
Victor and Penny Unruh, T-151-1, TF-117
Bob & Nancy VanDruff, T-91-5 / T-91-4, TF-117
Bob & Linda Vargas, E Co./2nd/60th, 9th Inf Div.
VFW Post 7879, Buffalo Grove
Jessie B. Weeks, CSC Ret RivDiv-511, TF-116
John Weiss, C Co./2nd/60th, 9th Inf Div.
Gary Weisz, A-91-4, TF-117
Donald Wills, E Co./25th Eng, 9th Inf Div.
Greg Witt, USS Whitfield County (LST-1169), TF-117
William & Diane Wolffer, B Co./3rd/60th, 9th Inf Div.
Lorenzo A. Wright, T-111-13, TF-117
Update Spring 2001:
The CCB-18 has been moved from the Navy sand blast facility into its final resting place on the Memorial site at CISM Field on the Naval Amphibious Base at Coronado, CA on February 16, 2001. The costs to date of paint and materials, crane, trucking company, etc. has taken a heavy toll on the CCB Fund. We hope that if you have not yet contributed, you would consider doing so now. See the pictures and the story of the hard work involved in getting the CCB to the Memorial site at these two links: Photo Page 2 and Photo Page 3
Update Summer 2001:
On Memorial Day we began what we hope will be a continuing tradition at the memorial site. With a very nice tribute to Tony Chandler from the Swift Boat Sailors Association on the table above, several members observed this Memorial Day by reading aloud the names of the casualties of all three Task Forces 115, 116 and 117. Pictured is Don Blankenship reading the names of the 2,583 9th Infantry Division casualties.
Update Fall 2001:
With the repercussions following the events of September 11, 2001, work has slowed somewhat on the memorial and on the CCB. However, we still persist in preparing the inside of the boat for paint and hope to weatherize her before the rains start this winter. In general, the exterior of the boat is in good shape and we just need to keep going on the inside preparation. Only retired military have access to the base now so our work party is smaller but we’ve got some dedicated guys who deserve a great deal of thanks for continuing to work on the boat.
Update Spring 2002:
We have been able to resume the monthly work parties on the third Saturday of the month and hope to have the inside painted by the time the reunion rolls around in June. We also hope to acquire weapon replicas for the boat and have them in place by the dedication date of June 29, 2002. We can certainly use additional contributions to accomplish this because the replicas are over $300 each.
Update Summer 2002:
Weapons were acquired, antennae added, the boat exterior paint was touched up and most of the interior spaces were painted out in preparation for our dedication ceremony on the 29th of June. What a great event! Many reunion attendees were able to board the boat and tour the topsides area prior to and after the ceremony. The boat sparkled in all its glory for all the hoopla and attention it received. After the reunion we continued with prepping, priming and painting the forward ammo locker and engine room, leaving only the after lazerette to have some real prepping and painting done. The untimely death of one of our great work party members, David Hearn, brought an air of sadness this summer but we know he is still with us in spirit working on “his” boat and we think of him each time we get together for work parties. We have a continuing need for funds to maintain the boat so please keep us in mind for a donation. And many thanks to all of you who donated thus far. We wouldn’t have been able to accomplish what we have without you.
If you have any questions about the fund or need more information, please contact Albert Moore (