Our Policy
These photos are provided by MRFA Members for your enjoyment. Because of space limitations we cannot guarantee that photos will be displayed. To provide members an interesting photo tour we request that the photos submitted be of general interest to the membership. Operational photos are particularly desirable. At present, we’d like to limit the photos to those in the Vietnam era (not that we don’t think you and your grand kids look great today).
If you have photos you’d like to submit, please title the photos in such a way as to give me a hint of the captioning you’d like to see, location, event, etc. If you can, please identify the photographer. Also, size the photos at approximately 5 x 7, medium quality (75 dpi), and send them in .jpg format only to MRFA Webmaster, Mike Harris. Please try to keep each picture at approximately 500-600k or less in size. Thanks.
WARNING: All photos posted here are the sole property of the Veterans who provided them. The images may not be copied for personal or business use without permission from the owners.