Those gone but not forgotten

This page is dedicated to the memory of our deceased MRFA members


Our prayers and best wishes go out to those left behind. The Brothers and Sisters of the Mobile Riverine Force Association wish the departed fair winds and following seas and our thoughts will always be with you….

TAPS Tribute to a Fallen One

What moves through you is a silence, a quiet sadness, a longing for one more day, one more word, one more touch, you may not understand why he left this earth so soon, or why he left before you were ready to say good-bye, but little by little, you begin to remember not just that he died, but that he lived. And that his life gave you memories too beautiful to forget.

Remembering Vietnam Veterans
Over 2.6 million served
Over 58,000 gave their lives
They fought for freedom
They fought with honor
In the end they fought for one another

A Soldier Died Today

Written by A. Lawrence Vaincourt

Arthur Delmar Grant

Member Arthur Delmar “Buck” Grant passed away on January 20, 2024.  While in Vietnam he served with River Assault Squadrons 13 & 15 from May 1969 to May 1970.

Dennis Robert Meyer

Former Member Dennis “Denny” Robert Meyer passed away on January 27, 2024.  While in Vietnam he served with River Assault Squadron 9, River Assault Division 92 onboard R-92-1 from November 1968 to November 1969.

Howard Dunson Turner

Member Howard Dunson “Reb” Turner (Major USA Ret.) passed away on January 26, 2024.  While in Vietnam he served as a Platoon Leader and Company Commander with 2nd Battalion, 47th Infantry, 9th Infantry Division from March 1969 to March 1970.  Reb did two tours in-country.  He is survived Deni, his wife for 63 years. – “Reb was a damn good man!” – MRFA VP “Doc” Bob Pries – B Co, 2/24th (Mech) Infantry

Charles Franklin McGinnis

Member Charles Franklin “Frank” McGinnis passed away on January 14, 2024.  While in Vietnam he served as an enlisted sailor with River Assault Squadron 9, River Assault Division 91 onboard A-91-2 and T-91-2 in 1968 and 1969.  Later he received a Naval Commission and served with River Division 595, which was later named River Assault Division 153.

David A. Ball

Member David A. Ball passed away on February 22, 2024 following a brief illness.  While in Vietnam he served with River Assault Squadron 13, River Assault Division 131 onboard T-131-1 from March 1968 to March 1969.  David is survived by Claudia, his wife of 38 years.

Robert C. Doyle

Member Robert C. Doyle passed away on January 24, 2024 following a courageous battle with cancer.  While in Vietnam he served as the Navy Intelligence Liaison Officer (NILO) at Ben Tre from March 1970 to March 1971.  Robert was preceded in death by Beate, his wife of 35 years.

Michael W. Dolezal

Member Michael W. Dolezal passed away on March 31, 2024.  While in Vietnam he served with River Assault Squadron 9, River Assault Division 92 onboard A-92-7 from April 1968 to July 1969.  Michael was preceded in death by Lynda, his wife of 37 years.

Richard John Young

Member Richard John “Rick” Young passed away on March 21, 2024 following a courageous battle with several serious medical issues.  While in Vietnam he served onboard the USS Colleton (APB-36) from September 1966 to November 1967.  Rick is survived by, Patricia, his wife of 26 years.

Thomas Robert Boyd

Member Thomas “Tom” Robert Boyd passed away on February 10, 2024 following a battle with cancer.  While in Vietnam he served with 5th Battalion, 60th Infantry Regiment, 9th Infantry Division from December 1966 to December 1967.  Tom is survived by his wife, Lahoma, of 57 years.

Robert A. Burgette

Member Robert A. Burgette (USN Ret.) passed away on February 5, 2024.  While in Vietnam he served onboard the USS Benewah (APB-35) from July 1966 to June 1968.  Robert is survived by Judith, his loving spouse.

Kenneth Roger Thorpe

Member Kenneth Roger Thorpe (USN Ret.) passed away on April 30, 2024.  While in Vietnam he served with River Assault Squadron 11/River Assault Division 112 onboard R-112-1 from April 1967 to April 1968.

Clarence Eugene Sasser

Member Clarence Eugene Sasser passed away on May 13, 2024.  While in Vietnam he served with Headquarters Company, 3rd Battalion, 60th Infantry Regiment, 9th Infantry Division from September 1967 to January 1968.  Specialist First Class Sasser was awarded the Medal of Honor for Conspicuous Gallantry and Intrepidity for his heroic actions as a Medical Aidman on January 10, 1968.  Clarence was preceded in death by his spouse Ethel L. Sasser.

You may view a copy of Mr. Sasser’s MOH Citation HERE

Hear Clarence’s depiction of what took place on that fateful day HERE

Ross D. Henderson

Member Ross D. Henderson passed away on May 16, 2024.  While in Vietnam he was a gunner onboard the USS Luzerne County (LST-902) from January 1970 to August 1970.  It was his second tour of duty in Vietnam.  Ross is survived by his wife, Susan, of 50 years.

Gregory Lynn Gass

Former Member Gregory Lynn Gass passed away on June 18, 2024.  While in Vietnam he served with River Assault Squadron 9/Division 91 onboard A-91-7 from January to December 1968.  Gregory is survived by his daughter Charlotte and son Jared.

Frederick L. Simpson

Member Frederick L. Simpson passed away on May 20, 2024.  While in Vietnam he served with C-4, 4th Battalion, 47th Infantry, 9th Infantry Division from April 1968 to April 1969.  Frederick is survived by his wife Mary-Anna of 53 years.

He was getting old and paunchy
And his hair was falling fast,
And he sat around the Legion,
Telling stories of the past.

Of a war that he once fought in
And the deeds that he had done,
In his exploits with his buddies;
They were heroes, every one.

And ‘tho sometimes, to his neighbors
His tales became a joke,
All his buddies listened,
For they knew whereof he spoke.

But we’ll hear his tales no longer
For old Bill has passed away,
And the world’s a little poorer,
For a soldier died today.

He will not be mourned by many,
Just his children and his wife.
For he lived an ordinary
And quite uneventful life.

He held a job and raised a family,
Quietly going his own way,
And the world won’t note his passing,
Though a soldier died today.

When politicians leave this earth,
Their bodies lie in state,
While thousands note their passing
And proclaim that they were great.

Papers tell of their life stories,
From the time that they were young,
But the passing of a soldier
Goes unnoticed, and unsung.

Is the greatest contribution
To the welfare of our land,
A guy who breaks his promises
And cons his fellow man?

Or the ordinary fellow who,
In times of war and strife,
Goes off to serve his Country
And offers up his life?

The politician’s stipend
And the style in which he lives,
Are sometimes disproportionate
To the service that he gives.

While the ordinary soldier,
Who offered up his all,
Is paid off with a medal
And perhaps, a pension small.

It’s so easy to forget them
For it was so long ago,
That the old Bills of our Country
Went to battle, but we know,

It is not the politicians
With their compromise and ploys,
Who won for us the freedom
That our Country now enjoys.

Should you find yourself in danger,
With your enemies at hand,
Would you want a politician
With his ever-shifting stand?

Or would you prefer a soldier,
Who has sworn to defend
His home, his kin and Country
And would fight until the end?

He was just a common soldier
And his ranks are growing thin,
But his presence should remind us
We may need his like again.

For when countries are in conflict,
Then we find the soldier’s part
Is to clean up all the troubles
That the politicians start.

If we cannot do him honor
While he’s here to hear the praise,
Then at least let’s give him homage
At the ending of his days.

Perhaps just a simple headline
In a paper that would say:
Our Country is in, mourning,
For a soldier died today.