2009 Reunion Registration Form

Adams Mark by the airport – Indianapolis, In.
September 2nd – September 6th


Unit: ___________________________________Dates in Unit or Units_____________________
Spouse & Family/Guest(s):________________________________________________________
Street Address:_________________________________________________________________
City:____________________________ State:____ Zip_________________________________
Phone: (____) ____________________ E-Mail:_______________________________________

Be sure to enclose your check or money order with this form. Send to below address.
Registration Fee: (Member only, cost includes spouse or girlfriend) x $35.00 = $___________
Additional Family Members, Children, Friends: Total_____ x $10.00 each = $__________
Registration Fee: (Non-Members)* – Total_____x $50.00 each = $_________
Grand Total Enclosed: = $__________

* Non-Member is defined as a person who is eligible to be a member of the MRFA by having served in the MRF TF-117 or TFs’115-116. the 9th Infantry Division or any Army / Navy supporting unit who has not joined the MRFA. A Membership application form can be found HERE! The Registration Fee covers the member and/or guest, girlfriend, etc. All other fees apply to friends and or children. Send your check or money order (payable to MRFA) to:
MRFA Reunion
106 Belleview Dr. NE.
Conover, NC. 28613

There will be a $25.00 charge for all returned checks. Cancellations prior to the reunion will be charged a $10.00 processing fee.